MOTD: 080216 — Binge Drinking Prevalence and Drunk Driving Fatalities, 2014

Is there a correlation between binge drinking and drunk driving fatalities? We wondered, too. So we created this map to plot out the states with the highest prevalence of binge drinking (as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). We then added a second dataset to show which states had the highest numbers of fatalities attributable to drunk driving (the data for both datasets was for the year 2014).

FactLook Drunk Driving fatalities and Binge Drinking Rate

  • Texas had the highest number of drunk driving fatalities in 2014, followed by California and Florida, but none of  were among the states with the highest percentage for prevalence of binge drinking.
  • Of the states with the highest percentage for prevalence of binge drinking, Illinois had the greatest number of drunk driving-related fatalities (317).
  • Of the states with the lowest percentage for prevalence of binge drinking — Tennessee, Utah and West Virginia —  Tennessee had the highest number of drunk driving fatalities(267).



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